Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Rick Perry: Stupid & Dangerous

It's funny how people continue to assume that "stupid" is somehow synonymous with harmless. The Presidency of GWB should remind us that stupid people can in fact do a great deal of harm when they set their minds to it. Texas governor Rick Perry has thrown his ten gallon hat into the ring. Perry in a recent speech in Bedford New Hampshire, declared that he doesn't "believe" in global warming and claimed that scientists are liars.

This raises some interesting questions. Does Perry believe in the theory of gravity?
Does he believe in the laws of mathematics? Perry by the way barely graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in "animal science."

Perry's appeal is based on the "Texas miracle;" about how Texas is supposedly creating jobs. In fact, Texas is stealing jobs from other states. While the big cities--Austin, Dallas, Houston-- may be booming in the Rio Grande valley you have people living in third world conditions. But don't expect the corporate media to point this out. If Chris Matthew and David Gregory develop man crushes on Perry, it's going to be downhill all the way.

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