Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Buzzards Are Circling

Very late in the game the President is unveiling a new job creation plan which will supposedly combine tax cuts with new spending. Whether it gets through the Repub controlled House is anybody's guess. The President's big mistake was focusing on High Tech and "Green" jobs, which did not provide the broad based stimulus the economy needed. In politics, being right in principle isn't always enough. With unemployment at 9% the President's prospects are growing dim. Polls show he would lose to Romney, and possibly to Bachmann or Perry.

The problem goes deeper than Barack Obama himself. Much of the problem goes to what happened to the Democrats and the Liberals after the 1980's (keeping in mind that Democrat and Liberal are no longer synonymous.) Liberalism has lost any ideological or policy coherence has become nothing more than set of "benevolent" attitudes: liberals see the good in everyone, liberals want to please everyone, and liberals always prefer compromise over confrontation. Democrats, especially those in D.C. have no goal other than to "keep the ball rolling" and represent nothing more than compromise for the sake of compromise. That's why they lose even when they should win, and even when they do win, they don't make anything with it.

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