Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Army of Psychopaths

More horrors from the latest GOP candidate debate, this one sponsored by the so-called Tea Party. Wolf Blitzer, the moderator, asked Ron Paul to clarify his position that the government has no responsibility toward people without health insurance. When Blitzer asked Paul if people without insurance should be allowed to die, some members of the audience apparently cheered at the statement.

It's clear by now that most Tea Partiers hate everybody but to cheer somebody else's death rises to what might be called depraved indifference. I'm reminded of the clinical definition of a psychopath: lack of empathy, shallow emotions, poor behavior control, remorselessness, and grandiosity. These qualities seem to be common amongst many Tea Partiers as well. Remeber the line from the Pogo comic strip, "The Enemy is Us?" I hate to think that the enemy is us, but many of our neighbors maybe be psychopaths, since psychos have the ability to pass themselves off as "normal" people. Until they pick up a gun and go on a shooting spree at a school or a shopping mall.

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