Friday, October 28, 2011

Rubio the Phoney

Marco Rubio, the new Senator from Florida, has emerged as one of the New Darlings of the right wing. Many Gopers even refer to him as "Our Obama," the thinking being "Let's find a youngish guy with an ethnic immigrant background and promote the hell out of him." Some are even making him a potential Veep candidate. I don't find Rubio that impressive. With his plastered down hair, shifty eyes, and shrill tone he looks like one of the guys you see promoting dubious get rich quick schemes on infomercials.

It turns out that Rubio has been lying about his family history. Rubio has been making a big deal about his parents being political refugees from the Castro Regime. But in turns out that his parents actually came to the US in 1956, i.e. before Castro came to power. Unbelievable that someone could think they could get away with a lie like that.

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