Friday, October 21, 2011

Selling Hate

Herman Cain's proposal to stop illegal immigration by building an electrified fence along the US southern border shows what has gone wrong with the GOP. I don't believe that Cain is a stupid person, if only because you must have some degree of intelligence to build a successful business. So it must be a ploy to pander to the bigots who have taken over the GOP especially the so-called Tea Partiers.

It seems that xenophobia and stupidity have become fused into a toxic mixture. These people have become so wrapped up in hatred that they don't even think about what they're saying. Do they even think about what building an electric border fence would cost? Furthermore, they don't understand that since America lives off imports, that you can't have the movement of goods without the movement of people. The only thing that would make the Tea Partiers really happy would be for them to crawl into a hole and die.

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