Saturday, February 11, 2012

Let's Tell It Like It Is

The Susan G. Komen Foundation decided to cut funding to Planned Parenthood, until a public outcry forced them to change course. The instigator of all this was Karen Handel, the VP for Public Affairs and a long standing right-wing anti-abortion nut. Handel has since resigned from the Komen foundation but that leaves us wondering why they would have hired a speciment like her in the first place.

Anyway Handel is now making herself out to be the victim and the right-wing media has taken up her "cause." In fact Handel herself pressured the Komen Foundation to break with Planned Parenthood by scaring them with a right wing backlash. This just shows what specimens these anti-abortion fanatics are; liars, manipulators, terrorists, and murderers. They have no right to call themselves "pro-life." That is a grotesque misuse of language since the Nazis began to put "Arbeit Macht Frei" over then entrances to the death camps.

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