Friday, February 17, 2012

Mr. One Percent

Mitt Romney has taken to wearing flannel shirts in an unconvincing attempt to look like a "common man." It's hard for Romney to do the "regular guy" look. Unlike the Bushes he never learned to hide his arrogance and complacency behind a mask of faux folksiness.

Romney has lately taken to attacking the Obama administration's bail out of GM and Chrysler. Most of his argument is just warmed over Friedmanite dogma. It's reavealing however, that he complains how Chrysler's secured creditors were given as he puts it "short shrift" at the expense of the UAW trust fund. That shows what Romney's priorities are; Wall Street speculators, like himself, should always come first. Romney represents the One Percent of corporate fatcats and swindlers who have enriched themselves at our expense.

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