Monday, May 13, 2013

Respectable Racism

Jason Richwine was forced to resign from the Heritage Founcation. He is the co-author of a report that purports to show the dire consequnces of Hispanic immigration to the US. Richwines 2009 doctoral dissertation purports that Hispanics have lowere IQ levels than whites. This is similar to the claims that Charles Murray made against African Americans. It should be pointed out that the use of IQ tests has come under serious question in recent years, and should not be seen as difinitive. But there's the larger issue of racism at the higherst levels of academia. Richwine got his PhD at Harvard University which can certainly be considered the highest levels of academis. We usually think of racism as being a problem for the uneducated and uninformed. But the Richwine case seems to indicate that racism extends all the way to Harvard.

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