Saturday, May 18, 2013

What to do about mass insanity?

The Right-wing have passed from hysteria into psychosis. Recently some a radio host called Pete Santilli said he wanted to shoot Hilary Rodham Clinton in the vagina. Some years ago, if somebody had said something similar about Condoleeza Rice, for example, he would've had Homeland Security up the wazoo. But these right wing morons get awai with it. The American right are a bunch of mentally unbalanced idiots with guns; a dangerous combination anyway you look at it.

This pandering to the insanity of the right wing continues at all levels. Witness the so called scandal about the alleged "targeting" of Tea Party groups by the IRS. What actually happened is that these groups didn't want to comply with IRS regulations because, amongst their other problems, Tea Partiers just don't want to follow the same rules as everybody else. The GOPers are trying to exploit the issue, big surprise, but many Democrats and even the Obama administration are pandering to the Tea Party petulance.

How long are we going to let them get away with it?

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