Monday, June 17, 2013

Another Reason to Hate Ayn Rand

The impact that Ayn Rand and her pseudo-philosophy of "Objectivism" have had on Right-wing thought is probably not as great as Milton Friedman or Fredrick von Hayek but several top GOPers have taken to quoting her notions. Rand, who thought that selfishness was a virtue and that wealthy capitalists were superior beings, was basically a crackpot with a large vocabulary. It now turns out that she was admirer of a notorious murdere named William Edward Hickman. Hickman kidnapped a girl 1927, then killed and dismembered her. When caught he tried to blame someone else. Hickman was convicted and executed. It turns out that Rand admired Hickman for his ruthlessness. Which goes to show how twisted her thinking was.

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