Monday, June 24, 2013

Stubborn Stupidity Reigns in Texas

The Texas legislature is considering a bill that make abortion impossible to obtain by hitting abortion providers with various bogus restrictions. Anti-abortion fanatics tend to be ignorant, stubborn jerkasses preoccupied with interfering in other people's lives. They tend to be bigots and religious creeps, the kind of vermin who comprise the "Tea Party." The Late Molly Ivins referred to Texas politics as "the laboratory of bad government." Today, Texas politics has bedome more like a toxic wate dump. Texans have often shown a stubborn adherence to bad ideas; slavery, racial segregation, and religious fundamentalism, which is retreating in the rest of the country. The average Texan is a moron who will keep shoveling the same pile of manure because he thinks there' a pony in there.

Of course many other ex-confederate states are also trying to pass abortion restrictions. Is there a connection between the two? It would be interesting to find out.

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