Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How Offensive!

This is from Salon.com

A black female professor at Minneapolis Community and Technical College was formally reprimanded by school officials after three of her white male students were upset by a lesson she taught on structural racism.

The professor is Sharon Gibney and she teaches a Introduction to Mass Communication class. Apparently the white male students complained about Gibney even mentioning racism. Racism has often taken the form of whites claiming to be offended. In Jim Crow times they were offended at the thought of having to ride in the same cars or drinking from the same water fountains as black people. In recent times, the "Tea Party" is largely fueled by people being offended at having a black president.

I suspect that the three complainers are the kind of right wing punks who go around staging confrontations on for instance, college campuses just to draw attention to themselves. But it also points out another trick that racists have resorted to in recent years. The claim that they want a "color blind" society, but that doesn't mean a society without racial bias but rather one in which the reality of racism is swept under the rug. A return, in short, to Jim Crowism.

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