Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lest We Forget

Before the year 2013 ends it's time to remember that it also marks the 40th anniversary of the final US withdrawal from Vietnam. Even after all this time, it is believed that some 400,000 veterans of that war are suffering from PTSD and other psychological problems. It's ironic how "patriotism" has become a kind of public exhibition, and marketing tool, but this country still has not lived up to its commitment to its veterans. After 40 years, Vietnam remains the war that America keeps trying to forget but that refuses to go away.

This cannot be encouraging to the veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, who face many years not only of trying recover from their physical and psychological wounds while they have to fight the very system that sent them to war. It seems that when young people enlist the recruiters often promise them the moon. But when they have become veterans in need the response from the VA, for instance, is something along the lines "I don't know what the recruiter told you but" ... etc. It does make you wonder what kind of country we are.

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