Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pinning the Blame

Robert Gates in his recent book accuses the Obama administration of "lacking passion" for war and of being guided by "political" considerations. As if the invasion of Iraq had any but a political rationale: insuring that GWB would get his second term. He also complains that Obama officials didn't show enough "respect" to the top brass. Gates also complains about having to testify before Congress. Gates' real problem is that he resents living in a democracy and would probably feel happier serving a military dictatorship.

It's clear that Iraq and Afghanistan are going to implode eventually and it's also clear what the right wing narrative is going to be; to blame everything on the Obama administration. President Obama's real mistake was in keeping Gates on as Sec. of Defense. We have already sacrificed enough in lives, in a ruined economy and a polarized political climate. To warmongers like Gates we should ask the question, why should we destroy America in the name of militarism?

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