Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Narrowcasting and Narrow Minds

If the history books are any indication it was the invention of printing that made the first information revolution possible, and that put information in the hands of ordinary people. Throughout the 20th century radio and television created the mass audience, that not only entertained the public but also allowed a public forum for the discussion of issues and ideas. Within the last 20 years, the growth of the internet and portable media players have created the phenomenon of "narrowcasting."

The term "narrowcasting" isn't new, supposedly it was coined in the late 60's. In the 1970's we saw the use of right-wing AM radio shows to push conservative politics. The establishment of Fox News, a propaganda channel pretending to provide news, is the ultimate example of narrowcasting. Supposedly people can now only listen to the media that they like, but they never have to listen to anybody else. That is why people can still believe that President Obama is a Kenya born Muslim and the Global Warming is a conspiracy invented by "evil scientists." The fans of right wing media have given up control of their brains to the owners of the conglomerates. That's what they should be worried about.

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