Monday, March 3, 2014

The Crimea Is None of Our Business

The recent "revolution" in Ukraine and the possibility of a war in Crimea calls for some historical perspective. Remember how back in 2004 the "Orange Revolution" was supposedly going to turn the Ukraine into a shining beacon of democracy? In reality, the Orange Revolution turned into political infighting and corruption and the Ukraine has become a political and economic basket case. Now conservative politicians in Europe and the US are trying to start a new cold war with Russia. War mongering is the only position those people can adopt. After two expensive and failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan how could anyone consider a war over the Ukraine unless they're insane, which many conservatives probably are.

There are also talks about the US "bailing out" the Ukraine to the tune of several billion dollars. This is after deep cuts to food aid programs. People will starve here in America while billions are being squandered to prop up a corrupt regime in the Ukraine. Isn't that appalling?

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