Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Right-Wing "Newspeak"

George Orwell, in his novel 1984, created a language called "Newspeak" which the totalitarian rulers of Oceania used to distort the people's thinking processes and make it easier for them to accept the regimes lies. Even though Orwell was using an exaggerated form of the actual distortions of language employed by the Soviet Union, recently right wing extremists have begun to engage in similar distortions of thought and language.

The recent waves of homophobic legislation, from Russia to Nigeria and Uganda, as well as the recent bill in Arizona that would legalize discrimination against gay people, is being promoted by a coalition of right wing groups. Many of these are the usual suspects, the Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage, as well as other groups that claim that homophobia is a manifestation of "religious freedom," names like the "Liberty Counsel." This basically is the twisted logic of these creeps; that "religious freedom" gives them the right to persecute other people. The Oceania regime, who's secret police called itself the "Ministry of Love," was just as repulsive.

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