Monday, May 19, 2014

Don't Cry for Her America

The Monica Lewinsky affair continues to be an obsession with right-wingers (Rand Paul himself tried to dredge it up recently). Now Lewinsky herself has come out with article in Vanity Fair(vanity all right.) She doesn't have anything new to say, other than using the rhetoric of victimhood to make it sound like we should all feel sorry for her. In reality, one is struck by the utter self absorption of the piece, as if feeling aggrieved were the only sense of "specialness" that is left for Lewinsky. We gather that she wanted to lead a "sex in the city lifestyle," but apparently that didn't happen. When you consider that there are people going hungry, Lewinsky's problems seem rather trivial.

'Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes
Between the fell and incensed points
Of mighty opposites.

Wm. Shankespeare, Hamlet, V.ii.60-62.

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