Wednesday, May 28, 2014

It Matters Even If It Doesn't

The bigwigs of global capitalism are meeting in London for a conference on "inclusive capitalism." Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the hostess of the event, said "It's true that the business of business is not to solve society's problems," but added that "But it is really dangerous for business when business is viewed as one of society's problems. And that is where we are today." It is naïve to think that anything constructive will emerge from the London shindig. It's importance lies in that the richest of the richest now realize that the situation cannot continue. Change occurs slowly. It's been said that it takes three generations to change a system, whether in politics, economics, or anything; one generation to doubt it privately, another generation to question it openly, and a third to rise up and attack it. For the past three decades, we have lived with the ideology that there is no alternative to the "rich getting richer," even though it growing numbers of people have come to question it privately. We now have gotten to the point that the ideology is coming under open assault. The task is to replace the current system.

Another world is not only possible, it is urgently needed.

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