Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Faith Based Horror

If someone wrote a history of all the crimes and atrocities of the Roman Catholic Church, how many volumes would it be? Recently, in the Irish town of Tuam there has been discovered a mass grave containing the remains of hundreds of children. This was on the grounds of a "Mother Baby Homes" that the Catholic Church used to run. The matter is still under investigation, but these children apparently died at the home.

The Catholic church created a culture of hypocrisy and denial, in which young women grew up in ignorance of human reproduction. When some of these young women ended up getting pregnant, they faced social ostracism produced by the same culture. The so called "Mother Baby Homes" were really a part of a child trafficking scheme run by the Church itself. And the church was also receiving subsidies from the Irish government. So much for "faith based" social services.

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