Tuesday, June 17, 2014

You Want A War? Pay for It!

As Iraq continues to disintegrate into violence and chaos, mainly due to the ineptitude of its government, the same neo-conservative mafia that sold the disaster of Iraq--Woflowitz, Bremer, Feith-- are all over the media, urging a new American invasion of Iraq. The fact that these liars are getting a platform by the media shows what the real agenda of the corporate interests who own the media. It turns out that Lara Logan is back at CBS. You'd think that with her track record she'd be relegated to appearing on infomercials. That CBS would take her back shows how low the standards of the mainstream have sunk.

Let's get one thing clear: Iraq was never ours to lose or win. This campaign is being waged by the GOP in order to rally its base by turning the Iraq war into some kind of "lost cause." Those people who are so anxious to go to war should answer this question: how are you going to pay for the war? Bring back the draft, impose credit controls, bring back the draft?

Think about that!

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