Saturday, August 2, 2014

Rick Perry: Show of Force or Farce?

Rick Perry is actually thinking about the Presidency in 2016. Apparently he's got the eye of the Washington Media who have declared him to be "handsome" (Perry does bear a marked resemblance to "Jump the Shark" actor Ted McGinley). So Perry gets to "swagger" around like he's got a cactus stuck up his ass. Now he want to take on the "illegal immigration crisis" by sending the National Guard to the Mexican border. This move will cost up to $12 million a month. This from an administration that begrudges every penny spent on education and healthcare.

The Congressional GOP isn't any better. They turned down the President's request for $3 billion (about what was spent in a day's fighting in Iraq). Then they GOPers went on vacation without passing any bill. It's obvious that the GOPers don't want to solve the problem, just have at as a campaign issue. If they get away with it then this country is probably hopeless.

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