Monday, July 21, 2014

The Death of a Dream

The recent announcement by Microsoft that it is cutting 18,000 jobs is the Death of the Silicon Valley Dream. The Silicon Valley dream is really just a memory of the 80's when the computer boom was getting underway. As the rest of the economy was struggling, Silicon Valley became the vision of new technology and a new industry, where you could earn a six figure salary while wearing Birkenstocks to work and taking breaks to play hackey sack. The dream started to fade after the tech crash of 2000. Now workers in computers and info tech are facing the same uncertainty as everybody else. Remember when the BlackBerry was the must have techie gizmo? Now the company that makes BlackBerry is also struggling. We seem to have reached the ultimate absurdity of planned obsolescence, buying techie gadgets that are obsolete by the time they hit the market.

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