Monday, March 23, 2015

Obama's Scandal Free Administration

President Obama still has until January 2017 so this might be premature but it would be fair to say that this administration has been the most scandal free Presidency since that of Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Obama administration has not produced any financial, political, or personal scandals. Some people might think this is premature but if there were any skeletons in Obama's closet they would have come out by now. It's odd how nobody points out how scandal free this administration has been. It could be that nobody notices when things go right.

The reality is that the right wing corporate media doesn't want to give the President any credit. It just doesn't want the public to know how well the Obama administration is doing because it would go against the interests of its corporate masters.

The media operates according to scurrilous hysteria, of the kind devised by Rupert Murdoch. As Michael Moore pointed out in "Bowling for Columbine" the Murdoch approach to the news is to keep the viewers in a constant state of hysteria. And most of the other media outlets have followed Murdoch not only in political orientation to the right but also in the same hysterical tactics. Conservatives still whine about the "liberal media" but in reality Liberal voices have become a minority in todays' media culture.

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