Thursday, March 19, 2015

Schock the Maximum Douchebag

It's getting boring almost keeping up with GOPer malfeasance. Consider, Aaron Schock, a GOPer representative who drew fire when he had his office decorated in a "Downton Abbey" theme. The decorator worked for free, which raised some ethical questions. Schock, who is barely 33 years old, is apparently vain about his looks, and posed for a shirtless pic of himself on the cover of "Men's Fitness" back in June 2011. Which shows what a douchebag he is. But it also turns out he's a crook. According to USA Today and ABC News Schock "... spent over $100,000 in government funds on office decorating and renovations between January 2009 and late 2014, mostly during his first term.[113] Other media reported Schock had charged thousands of dollars for private flights, legal expenses, new cars, tickets to the Super Bowl and Country Music Awards,[114] as well as cufflinks, massage, "gold equipment" and cigars[115] to his government-funded office account. The Associated Press accessed the location metadata on Schock's Instagram photos and correlated it with private flight records to identify flights that did not correspond to his campaign finance disclosures."

Schock, who couldn't stand the heat, has now resigned.

Schock is really only a symptom of the problem. Since the GOP believes that government cannot play a useful role in public life, it appears that GOPers only seek public office in order to line their pockets. The GOPer mentality inevitably leads to corruption. Public corruption has reached levels, just as bad, if not worse than the "Gilded Age"(late 19th century.)

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