Monday, September 21, 2015

The Pander Games

The GOPers ramble on, in a contest that is no longer a race to the bottom but a long fall into the bottomless abyss. Carly Fiorina, has become the media darling after Donald Trump made some ugly remarks about her appearance. But now Fiorina is working herself about a video that shows Planned Parenthood selling fetal tissue. No such video actually exists. Does Fiorina really believe this garbage or is she just pandering to the GOPer "cause?"

The other Repubs are busy spewing Islamophobia. The bigot demographic has become part of their political base. If you pander to ignorance and stupidity you start to become ignorant and stupid yourself.

We should have learned by now that in politics their is no such thing as a "noble" lie. A politician who lies is always pernicious as is a political movement based on lies.

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