Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Kim Davis: The Cafeteria Christian

Kim Davis, the Kentucky County Clerk who was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples, has been released from jail. It's not clear whether she's going to continue with her nonsense. She's become the poster girl for "religious freedom;" she claims that because she's fundamentalist she can't have anything to do with same sex marriage. If she really had a problem she ought to just resign: in reality, she just enjoys the attention.

The thing is that Davis herself has been four times married and thrice divorced. If the bible bans homosexuality it also bans divorce and remarriage. Davis is a good example of a "Cafeteria Christian." Someone who picks and chooses whatever parts of the scriptures she happens to approve of. The term "cafeteria Christians" has been used by religious conservatives against Christians whom they regard as "too liberal." Davis shows that many religious conservatives themselves pick and choose whatever aspects of the scriptures suit their arguments.

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