Monday, February 8, 2016

HRC Plays the Misogyny Card

I used to support the candidacy of Hilary Rodham Clinton, until she started making foreign policy statements that made he sound like Marco Rubio. It also doesn't help that she promises to "get along" with the Congressional GOP. Her husband "worked with" Congressional GOPers hell he virtually gave away the store, and for all that they still tried to impeach him. It's obvious that HRC's progressive credentials are rather dubious and she's said nothing to make us think otherwise. So now her campaign is accusing her critics of "misogyny." If you don't support her you must be some kind male chauvinist "get in the kitchen" type of cretin. That may be accurate of her critics on the GOP side. They hate her for the wrong reasons perhaps. But HRC herself hasn't really given us any reason to vote for her. The real imperative is to choose the best person for the job, regardless of gender.

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