Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Bigot Demographic

Those who support Donald Trump are part of the reactionary tradition within American life: the Prohibitionists, the Ku Kluxers, those who would define themselves in narrow racial terms. Trump's career is hardly reassuring; he seems to have no ideas or principles, and his only strong beliefs are racial bigotry. His followers see what they want to see; the worship wealth, because he is a "winner" and a "hard ass" who can get away with obnoxious behavior.

Trump appeals to a generation that has been rendered mentally passive by television and the corporate media. Without getting bogged down in "essentialist" arguments about what constitutes totalitarianism, there is a recurrent pattern that we can see in many nations. When a faction declares itself to be the "real people" and becomes preoccupied with taking power even if by force, then we are all in danger. It's not even a question of ideology but methodology. It doesn't matte whether the faction is Left or Right, religious or secular, or even if it claims to be acting in the name of "freedom." People like that are a danger to democracy.

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