Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why I Hate Conservatives

The title of this post might seem a bit blunt, but I was actually raised as a Conservative. I was raised a Roman Catholic in Texas, and that is a high risk group for Conservatism. The reasons why I turned against Conservatism are varied and complex. One important turning point came during the 80's the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. Reagan, the most effective commercial spokesman of all time, managed to tell the most absurd lies while maintaining a straight face. Whenever somebody called him out, Reagan would just smile vacuously and pretend he hadn't heard.

Conservatives, not just the GOP, discovered they could get away with lying they have come to use it as a deliberate tactic. Notice the recent campaign against Planned Parenthood. Even though these is no evidence of any wrongdoing on the part of Planned Parenthood, the Conservative noise machine continues to make up falsehood and allegations. The Conservative Movement have become "Mayberry Machiavellis" and not only in terms of foreign policy. The worst liars are the ones who believe their own lies.

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