Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Heads We Lose, Tails We Lose

Since it really seems that the next President is either going to be HRC or Trump, it's like having to choose a slow death from rectal cancer or dying in a flaming car wreck. Trump as President would be a disaster not only for the USA but for the entire planet. HRC on the other hand, is Pro-Corporate warmonger, a "moderate" GOPer in disguise. There are many who say that HRC might still win by drawing support from moderates (whoever they are) and even disaffected GOPers. But HRC would merely be the status quo.

The real problem is that change is no longer possible in American politics. Political systems fall when they lose the ability to change to solve problems. If we have reached such a state, then it's only a matter of time before the USA itself is history.

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