Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Ivy League Pollyanna

With the conventional wisdom now declaring that Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the Democratic nominee for President, and the attendant calls for Bernie Sanders to "stop dividing the Democratic Party and bow out. Of course, the Democrats as a party have performed so badly in recent years that it's hard to see how Sanders is making matters worse. The problem for the Dems is that they have abandoned their constituents and the ascent of HRC is the worst sing of that. The HRC campaign thinks that many "nice, decent Republicans" will vote for her instead of Donald Trump. If the Dem. leadership knew anything, they would realize that there are no nice decent Republicans, and that furthermore, however much certain Repubs may dislike or even detest Trump, they'll probably vote for him out of spite anyway. Because that's they kind of people they are.

But let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that HRC really does become President. That would mean that in America, the political spectrum no longer runs from Liberal to Conservative but from Conservative to Fascist. That means that instead of a Democracy, we are living under a closed political system where the corporate power rules absolutely.

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