Friday, January 5, 2018

Conservative Shorts In A Knot

The strange thing about the Trump presidency is that anybody with eyes should have known that Trump himself was a swindler, a liar, and a sleazeball. It was difficult for Conservatives, especially those who claim to uphold some cultural or intellectual tradition, to accept Trump. Judging from the tone of conservative media, they are only united by their hatred of "liberals." Conservative media outlets have lately taken to attacking not only special counsel Robert Muller, but the FBI and the Department of Justice. Odd when you consider that conservatives are supposed to be great supporters of law enforcement.

It is becoming increasingly clear that the Putin regime did tamper with the US elections of 2016. If so, this was an attack on American sovereignty on the same level as Pearl Harbor or 9/11/2001. The question for conservatives will then be, how much will the give up to become "Full Trumpers."

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