Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Times Up for Me too

If we consider the history of political movements they usually fall apart when they get taken over by a nutter fringe. It seems there was something problematic about the name Me too which has always meant either mindless conformity or herd Instinct. THE so called movement has turned into a parade of privileged white women. Like we're supposed to care that Michelle Williams didn't get to make an additional million dollars. Then there's Natalie Portman about how she felt violated by getting a dirty letter in the mail. The funny thing is that Portman's net worth is believed to be $60 million. For that kind of money I'd accept a dirty letter once in a while.

The MeToo movement has turned into a shit storm, a distraction that only appeals to a public that has grown jaded on a steady diet of scandal and sleaze. If it were a tv show it would have jumped the shark. The real struggle is the fight against racism, militarism, and plutocracy. It's not about narcissistic celebrities pretending to be activists.

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