Monday, June 18, 2018

America Hits A New Low

America's has added a new atrocity in its long history of racist violence--from slavery to ethnic cleaning. The Trump administration is now abducting children. AT least 2000 children are being held in cages. They are being forced to sleep on the floor and being mistreated by the guards. Not surprising given that the Border Patrol and ICE is made up of racists and sadistic psychopaths.

On another note it turns out that Harvard University has been discriminating against Asian students. It turns out that the selection process decides that Asians don't have enough "personality." So much for White America telling us minorities "You should be more like Asians--hardworking, law abiding, yadda yadda." It turns out that White Male America whose ultimate product is Donald Trump and his gang of assholes, is racist against everybody.

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