Tuesday, June 26, 2018

All Conservatives Are Racists

I know that title is a bit broad and would require a certain amount of commentary. But for now I would just state that all conservatives are racists, to one degree or another. I concluded after reading Victor Davis Hanson's "Mexico — What Went Wrong?" in national review. It contains an enormous series of lies from beginning to end. No a single factual statement anywhere.

Take this paragraph for instance:
"A supposedly affluent Mexico was supposed to achieve near parity with the U.S., as immigration and trade soon neutralized. Despite Mexico’s economic growth, no such symmetry has followed NAFTA. What did, however, 34 years later, was the establishment of a dysfunctional Mexican state, whose drug cartels all but run the country on the basis of their enormous profits from unfettered dope-running and human-trafficking into the United States. NAFTA certainly did not make Mexico a safer, kinder, and gentler nation."

The implication that those "evil Mexicans" somehow snuck into the US and got innocent Americans hooked on illegal drugs. If you believe that then you could vote for the Orange Baboon for President. Hanson has is neither a Historian or an intellectual, but is part of the same septic tank as Newsmax and Infowars. And that pretty much sums up the Conservative movement.

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