Friday, July 6, 2018

All Pacifists Are Assholes

I figured as much back in college. There were always self described pacifists who claimed that war was always wrong, and that they would never fight even in self defense. They were always quoting Gandhi and Tolstoy and presenting themselves with a smarmy holier than thou attitude.

One recent example is a certain Gary Leupp, a frequent contributor to counterpunch which also shows how that website has gone down the shithole. Leupp is another one of the "Leftist Trumpers" who thinks that Trump is actually going to bring about "world peace." Anybody with two eyes and a brain should have realized by now that Trump is no more a "pacifist" than he is a "Populist." Is Leupp delusional or is he ignoring the waves of racist violence that Trump has unleashed? How fat hairy Whites are leading a charge to bring back segregation? But then Leupp is a fat hairy white asshole himself so he probably agrees.

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