Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh: Monumental Douchebag

Brett Kavanaugh should not be on the Supreme Court. He had been accused of sexual assault by two women--Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez. This should be enough to conclude that Kavanaugh is morally unfit to be a Supreme Court justice. Back in the nineties, Kavanaugh was on Kenneth Starr's staff. Kavanaugh wrote that Bill Clinton's "misdeeds" had "disgraced his office." Kavanaugh seems to have engaged in behavior even worse than Clinton, making him the bigger disgrace.

The first incident took place sometime around 1981-1982. Kavanaugh was a student at the Georgetown Preparatory School, which is run by Jesuits. Apparently, the atmosphere at the school recalled an awful teen-exploitation movie from the early eighties; booze, sex, and obnoxious behavior. So much for a Catholic education. The second incident occurred when Kavanaugh and Ramirez were students at Yale. How does an asshole like him get away with it?

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