Thursday, September 20, 2018

MeToo# is Totalitarian Feminism

The recent case of NY University Professor Avita Ronell, who was found to have sexually harassed a male student named Nimrod Reitman, tells us a lot about MeToo# and Radical feminism. Many prominent feminists defended Ronell, which makes us wonder what happened to "believing the victim." Its clear that these feminists believe that only males can be "sexual "predators."

It would be good to remember Daphne Patai's 1998 book "Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism" that there is a strain of radical feminism--Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin--who are actively opposed to heterosexuality and are using claims of sexual harassment to promote their anti-male, anti-heterosexual agenda.

We should have learned back in the twentieth century, that repressive and intolerant movements that adopt a stance of "the ends justify the means" are not really progressive.

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