Tuesday, March 24, 2020

No Skin Off Of Their Asses

The latest catchphrase "social distancing" is really a joke. It would only work if everybody walked around wearing space suits or stayed locked inside. Since the former is obviously impossible, the latter has come to be public policy, with shut downs of schools, libraries and increasingly businesses of all sorts. It's not even possible to get anything to eat anymore. Doctors of course don't care; they are making around $150,000 a year and in any case their livelihoods are not affected. Much of the liberal media has also jumped on the bandwagon, based on comparisons with the epidemic of 1918. Except that the epidemic of 1918 was incurable in its time. That is not true today.

The brings the question of what the rest of us are supposed to do. Stay in our homes and starve? Maybe we should be allowed to go about our business, and take our chances with the virus.

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