Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Totalitarian Feminism Shows Its Face

The recent decision by Hatchette Publishing to not publish the memoirs of Woody Allen shows the totalitarian nature not only of MeToo but of Feminism in general. Totalitarianism, at its simplest, is a group of people who think they have a mandate to dictate to others what to say, what to read, and what to think. The way in which the management of Hatchette allowed itself to intimidated by feminist hoodlums will go down as one of the worst examples of censorship in history. Another characteristic of totalitarianism is that it is often built around a cult like following of a leader who is supposed to be all knowing and all good. For the MeToofers that leader is Ronan Farrow. What will happen when Ronan Farrow is finally exposed as a scum bag liar with a twisted mother complex? The same thing that happened to communism after the crimes of Stalin were revealed.

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