Friday, April 2, 2010

The Right Goes Crazy

We are still puzzling over the insanity of the so-called Hutaree militia, who were planning to go on a killing spree of police officers and which they believed would bring about the final confrontation with the anti-Christ (whom they seemed to believe is Barack Obama). Now it turns out that lunatics calling themselves "Guardians of the Free Republics" have been sending letters to various governors warning them to leave office or else.

It is easy to dismiss the "Hutarees" and such like as backwoods ignoramuses. Except that this climate of fear and hatred could produce the next Timothy McVeigh. We have spent the better part of the previous decade fearing "Islamofascists" that we have forgotten that terrorism is merely a tactic which can be used by any group. Eventually, a bunch of ultra-right extremists could destroy America, and succeed where Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Bin Laden failed.

We are probably our own worst enemies.

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