Friday, April 30, 2010

Bill O'Reilly: Big Smelly Foot in Big Stupid Mouth

Bill O'Reilly incurable liar and blow-hard, has finally gone too far. In an interview with General Wesley Clark, O'Reilly claimed that American troops had killed Germans in Malmedy. To set the record straight, the Malmedy massacre, which occurred on December 17, 1944, involved the killing of about 100 American POW's by the Nazi Ss First Panzer Division. It is important to note that the same Nazi SS unit also committed many other atrocities, including the massacre of 100 Belgian civilians at Stavelot.

While O'Reilly later issued a retraction, but he treated it like a simple error, like he had mispronounced somebody's name. But O'Reilly doesn't care about truth. Whenever he starts to lose the argument, he starts pouding the table and shouting "Shut up! Shut up!" The real morons, however, are O'Reilly's fans, who are nothing more than ignorant bullies themselves.

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