Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tea Party: More Noise Than Heat

Looking at the "Tea Party" is like watching a bunch of spoiled children. Their combination of ignorance and hysteria has ceased to be funny and is merely irritating. These people know nothing of politics or history, their thinking is dominated by junk information and slogans from the 1980's or the 1950's of the 1920's. To say nothing of their whining about wanting "their country back."

Let us consider, however, what would happen if the Repubs take control of the Congress after the next elections. We already know what their game plan was during 1994-2006: get elected by ranting against taxes and "wasteful spending." Then get re-elected by sending pork-barrel projects back to their home districts. It may be "smart" politics, for a while. But given that it's clear that the Repubs are never going to cut spending or bring back the "good old days" of "rugged individualism."

It's time to grow up people. Or at least grow a brain.

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