Friday, July 9, 2010

Arizona Repubs Keep Blowing Smoke

Who said "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story?" The Arizona GOP has taken that vile notion and carried to absurdity. Not only is Governor Jan Brewer trying to justify her racist legislation by claiming, falsely that decapitated bodies are appearing in the Arizona desert. Now John McCain, formerly known as the "Cool Republican" has jumped on the bandwagon, alleging an epidemic of kidnappings in Phoenix. Oddly enough, the FBI points out that there has been no increase in crime in Arizona.

The Repub problem is that they can no longer run as the party of prosperity or law and order so they've resorted to racism. As for McCain, we can honestly say that there is no such thing as a "cool Republican." They're all a bunch of hot-headed blowhards.

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