Friday, July 16, 2010

Watch Out for Sarahmania!

Sarah Palin continues her ascent as the political diva, her beehive hairdo and rabbit-like features becoming a fixture on the media universe. Newseek put her on the cover once again, proclaiming that Palin is going to lead some kind of feminist fundamentalist movement, or words to that effect. The funny thing about Newsweek, is that in spite of having degenerated into a right-wing propaganda rag, it's sales are plummeting and it's owners are trying to sell it. Maybe the American public isn't as right-wing as the media assumes.

But as for Palin, the real danger is that if enought people start to find her funny, eventually they might find her charming, essentially the same path that GWB took. I don't think Palin should ever be President, in fact I don't think she ought to be allowed within 100 miles of the White House. Palin is a flake and an ignoramus, and given the chance, she would run the country into the ground in 6 months.

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