Friday, July 23, 2010

Breitbart's Terror Campaign

I hate to keep bringing up the Shirley Sherrod matter, only because it's clear the whole thing was really another dirty trick cooked up by Andrew Breitbart. It turns out that Breitbart, or someone working for him, edited the video tape to make it sound like Sherrod was making "Anti-White" remarks. If this isn't illegal, it should be.

What I don't get about Breitbart is, how did this pork faced bum with a voice like an annoying five year old get to be such a "player" on the political scene? The details of his biography are rather vague, but he seems to have emerged out of the incestuous world of right-wing politics, but it would be interesting to know who put up the money. It should be clear that Breitbart's real mission is to create dirty tricks and sabotage. This is how Watergate got started, and an investigation should be undertaken to see who is behind it.

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