Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Downfall of Dr. Paul

Ron Paul gained a lot of attention several years ago several years ago for his opposition to the invasion of Iraq and the "Patriot Act." He acquired a reputation as a "libertarian" even he opposes abortion, and has become the latest incarnation of the "cool Republican"( for people who believe such things.)

Recently, Paul addressed a home-schoolers rally in Iowa in which he lashed out at public education. He called the public schools a "propaganda machine" which "indoctrinates" children to believe in "Un-American" ideas such as sex education and environmentalism. It seems that right-wing nuts have been throwing this rhetoric around since the 1970's.

Paul also wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and do away with paper money. Given his positions overall, it's fair to say that Paul isn't a Libertarian but a Paleo-Conservative: a less obnoxious version of Pat Buchanan. We should be carefull about embracing a candidate just because we support a few of his position. As they say, all that glitters isn't gold.

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