Friday, March 4, 2011

George Will Goes Primitive

George Will, the right-wing "pundit" turned shill, formerly used the term "primitivism" to refer to the backwoods, ultra-right wing yokels from button-down East coast conservatives such as himself. Will's downfall came after 2001 when he became a Bushie sycophant of the worst order.

Will's descent into imbecile status is shown by his recent editorials "Why Liberals Love Trains," in which he argues that the Obama administrations promotion of railroads is really a conspiracy to impose "collectivism" on Americans. Following this sort of "logic" New York City, should tear up the commuter rail lines that connect it to Long Island and New Jersey. Why should the center of global capitalism have to rely on a "collectivist" form of travel?

This article demonstrates the problem that East Coast conservatives face in trying to pander to the ignorance and stupidity of the so-called Tea Party. We all know that hanging out with losers turns you into a loser. Will shows that hanging out with idiots turns you into an idiot.

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