Friday, March 25, 2011

The Main Problem

I think that one of the biggest problems with this country is that people just don't want to grow up. I think it started with the Baby Boomers. The generation that was going to "change the world" during the sixties and seventies spent their lives searching for eternal youthfulness but all they achieved was perpetual immaturity.
By the time the eighties rolled around the boomers had given up and sold out, and spent the following decades pursuing one get rich quick scheme after another. I think that's why they embraced that stupid movie "Forrest Gump;" it was the perfect depiction of a generation that in the end had no goals left other than to make a pile of money and marry their high school crush.

Unfortunately, however, the Generation Xers who followed aren't any better in this regard. Exhibit A would be Christine O'Donnell, who at 41 possesses the tone and body language of a clueless 18 year old. Then there's that idiotic show on ABC "Cougar Town" about a 40 something dingbat who thinks life is like the stupid movies from the 80's. And let's not forget the poster boy for immaturity, Charlie Sheen, still acting like a 19 year old frat boy.

I think that future historians will wonder how in half a century the USA declined so badly. The problem, incredible as it may is that in this country people refused to act their age.

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